Thursday, May 21, 2009

Deanna, Brandi, and A-Kon Preparation

I've called in the past few days to visit family and friends since Deanna's been in the hospital. It's really helped my mood to do so. And it also gave Staci and I a chance to clean up before Brandi's family came to visit. It really needed it... we had been neglecting it from being fairly busy the past few weeks, what with getting ready for A-kon, many new Magic deck ideas, and just general partying. Nonstop partying. Well, not really... but the usual.

By the way, I thin Deanna is going to be just fine. It was a double bypass, and she is stable. :)

I did a lot of yard work the day before yesterday, and every time I do so, for some reason, I think of King of the Hill. The way Hank takes such great pride in lawn care. He looks at lawn care and general hand-man-ness the same way I look at a great sci-fi movie or video game. Thing is, I kind of feel that way about yard work, too. It's just a lot harder for a 25 year old to find time for all of his hobbies, I suppose. I know it's kind of silly to get ideas like this from an animated family, but I don't really think it's that strange. I think your brain finds and grasps whatever ideas it can from anything, no matter how potentially silly it may seem.

So I think I want to do much better this year in lawn care. I need to take better care of my lawn equipment, always have plenty of gas and gas mix on hand, and and build up a decent tool box for around-the-house work.

A-Kon is but a mere 1 week away. I've got 5 days off next weekend to attend, and I think this year will be the best and most memorable one yet. I'm going to be taking a ton of pictures and video. I'm bringing 2 SD cards and my laptop, as well as plenty of extra and rechargeable batteries. I'm definitely going to nerd out with the other nerds, take in all of the sights, sounds, and otherworldly nature of things that A-Kon provides. This year also holds a different spectrum for me and possibly a few of my friends. I might actually play Magic with a lot of different people, and see how well my artifact deck does. I really don't know why I had such an obsession with artifacts. I just thought they looked cool, and suddenly I'm hoarding all of the cards. I feel like my interest might be slowly waning a bit now, though. I think there is only so much you can do in the way of cool combos and strong plays in a standard artifact aggro deck. Though they are, indeed, strong combos and plays.

Well, that's all for updates for now. Tomorrow I'm off. Brandi's taking Staci and I out to breakfast first thing, and then I pretty much have a free one. I'm hankering for some Wii time. Excitebots and Zelda. I'm going to go for 100% on Twilight Princess. Wish me luck.

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