Sunday, May 17, 2009

I've had the chance to listen to John Vanderslice's new album multiple times now. It's the album entitled "Romanian names". I think it's pretty good stuff. It is, indeed, a lot slower than even his past few efforts, but the good melody that I've come to love about Vanderslice is still there, and I don't think that it's something that could change about his music. I'm not sure if the sounds that highlight the melody would seem strange to a new listener or not. To me, they sound too familiar to be strange at all. Although I believe some of the sounds through his masterpiece "Pixel Revolt" ring strange till this day to me, but in an amazing way.

A-kon is just a few weeks away, and everyone, especially my wife, is getting pretty excited. I think this year may turn out pretty great. Almost anything could be better than last year, with its angry people and sour, awkward internal struggles. It was mostly terrible, yet I still missed it when I left.

Work has been killing me lately. I'm not sure if my back is hurting more or just the same lately, but I think it's really dragging me down. And my feet hurt immensely. And I'm so angry so much of the time from what I feel is unneeded stupidity. So much shit just directly aimed at me because I'll put up with it.

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