Sunday, June 21, 2009

A True Saturday Night

It's 2:43am, and I probably have to get up early.

Rock Band 2 is blazing in the living room. A pretty classic Saturday night around here tonight. The smell of Justin's tacos and talk around the table outside.

I got new Bowerbirds and some Deer Tick on my Zen now.

I went running tonight, only to find that if I run a lot (which for the first time in a long time I felt I could) I get a massive tightening of the muscles in the front shin of my left leg. To the point where I can't really move my foot and I must quit running. I was really disappointed because I was getting a real workout tonight before I had to submit to walking the rest of the time.

I wish Dennou Coil had more episodes. I already miss it.

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